“Cat and The Canary” Silent Film with the Lyric Hall Theater Orchectra
Friday, Oct 26 | 9:00 PM
Instrumentalist, composer, and curator Steve Asetta formed The Lyric Hall Theater Orchestra in 2011 after discovering Lyric Hall in the Westville section of New Haven, CT. After composing the film scores for the feature film “Disconnected” in 1983 and the Emmy winning documentary “Troubled Waters” in 1991 Steve decided to combine his loves of film and live music by composing an original score for the Tod Browning/Lon Chaney film “The Unknown” which he performed with the ensemble “Goose Lane” in 2003. Mr. Asetta continues to write and perform film scores with the Lyric Hall Theater Orchestra. His creative venture has evolved into a Silent Film Live Music series performed regularly at the Lyric Hall.
The Orchestra has a rotating cast of versatile instrumentalist along with a core of regular players including Keith Yarbrough, tuba, concert master; Steve Asetta, saxophones, bass clarinet, theremin; Will Iannuzzi, keyboards, accordion, ukelele, melodica; Tim Kane, trumpet, coronet and Jim Berger, trombone and baritone horn.
Tickets $10 (cash only, please) at the door. For reservations call 203-209-5369